The sixth annual StLGS Trivia Night is one week from today, Friday, 6 March 2015. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. and the fun begins at 7. This year, we are at a new, convenient, and central location: the Richmond Heights Community Center, 8001 Dale Avenue, just one block southeast of I-64/40 and Hanley Road.

Trivia Night is our primary fundraiser this year, so we hope you will join us for the evening. You are welcome to bring additional food and beverages but PLEASE, do not bring any GLASS into the facility, as they have rules against glass containers.
Registration is so easy. Just go to and click on the Trivia Night button. A table of eight is $120 but we welcome individuals at $15 each and will happily find you space at a table. Directions and a map are also on the website. Questions? Please call the office at 314-647-8547 on Saturday, Tuesday, or Thursday between 9 a.m. and noon or send a note to our Trivia Night chair at