StLGS German SIG Meeting

The end of this month is filling up with several genealogy events. As we posted today in our Facebook group, the society's German Special Interest Group (German SIG) has a meeting on Wednesday, the 20th, featuring Dan Lilienkamp, reference librarian in St. Louis County Library's History and Genealogy Department. The meeting will take place at the Headquarters Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. Dan will speak on "Using
Ortssippenbucher to Research Your Family." The meeting is free, no pre-registration required, and open to all. For more detailed information, go to the German SIG page on our website at
Old Jamestown Stories

The Florissant Valley Historical Society will be hosting a program featuring stories of Old Jamestown on Sunday, 24 September, at 2:00 p.m. Led by Peggy Kruse, author of
Old Jamestown Across the Ages: Highlights and Stories of Old Jamestown, Missouri, this program will be presented at the historic Taille de Noyer house located on the McCluer High School grounds, 1896 South New Florissant Rd. The program is free, but due to limited seating, you do need to pre-register. Call either Pat at 314-440-2344 or Mary Kay at 314-409-9478. More information at
For directions to the Taille de Noyer house (on Google maps), click
Illinois Ancestors? Two Choices
For those with Illinois roots, Thursday, 28 September at 7:00 p.m. presents you with two choices:
French? Join Larry Franke, reference librarian in St. Louis County Library's History and Genealogy Department for a talk on learning to research old manuscripts from eighteenth-century Kaskaskia. Called "Using the Kaskaskia Manuscripts," Larry's talk will explain the marriage contracts, wills, land records, and manumissions in French civil records from southwestern Illinois. This is a free program, held in the auditorium of the Headquarters building at 1640 South Lindbergh Boulevard. No pre-registration is required. If you have questions, contact the H&G department at .
German? The St. Clair County Genealogical Society in Belleville, Illinois, is hosting a special lecture on the Rhineland-Pfalz (Palatinate) given by Roland Paul, director of the Institute for Palatine History and Folklore in Kaiserslautern, Germany. Mr. Paul will be talking about a German newspaper called
Pfaelzer in Amerika, published in New York from 1884 to 1917, and containing thousands of obituaries. Mr. Paul and a colleague have published the first of four volumes of these obits, from 1884 until 1897, with about 200 obituaries of residents of the Metro East. He will speak about the newspaper and its importance as a source for locating German ancestors. More information at the society's website The meeting is free with no pre-registration required. It will be held in Belleville at the St. Luke Parish Center, 226 N. Church St. Directions to the location (on Google maps), click