30 November 2020

StLGS Proposes Bylaws Changes

St. Louis Genealogical Society operates according to a set of bylaws that are drawn up by the board of directors and approved by the society’s members. The bylaws are periodically reviewed by committee and, if necessary, the committee proposes revisions. The bylaws that are currently in place were last revised in 2014. Late this summer, a bylaws committee met and submitted a set of proposed changes to the board of directors. The StLGS board of directors has agreed to these changes and now offers them to members for approval.

The original wording and the proposed changes are below. (You can read the complete bylaws on the StLGS website by clicking here.)

23 November 2020

Time to Thank Some Special StLGS Volunteers

In a typical year, the St. Louis Genealogical Society office in Maplewood hums with activity three mornings a week as volunteers work together to process thousands of genealogical records, answer research questions, plan programs and events, prepare publications, maintain the website, and keep the day-to-day activities of the society flowing smoothly. Although the office is "officially" only open from 9 a.m. until noon, there are usually volunteers arriving early and almost always people are staying late. In addition, many work from home on "off days" or come into the office whenever they have something to do. In a typical year, we thank our volunteers with a brunch or small party and then with recognition at our annual Family History Conference in the spring. But this year has not been typical!

16 November 2020

Visiting Family in the "Good Old Days" Could Be a Bumpy Ride

Usually, this is the time of year when we start humming, “Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go,” which makes us think of horses, sleighs, snow, and home-cooked Thanksgiving feasts. Since it seems that this year is going to be missing many of those things, or at least scaled down for the feasting, it is a good time to reflect on how our ancestors traveled to visit family in “the good old days” and to be glad we don’t have to rely on horses and sleighs! Do you know what kind of vehicles your forebears used?

09 November 2020

More Than Ever, St. Louis Genealogical Society Needs Your Support

The holiday season is quickly approaching, and, in this upside-down and frequently difficult and nerve-wracking year, we all will be delighted to bring some joy and celebration into our lives. However, it is also a time to think about how to ensure the future for some of our favorite institutions that have been hard-hit by the pandemic this year. The pandemic has made 2020 an especially challenging year for our society. While we were able to hold meetings for the first few months of the year, Trivia Night in early March was the last event that was held in person. The rest of the year has been a ceaseless effort of rescheduling and designing "Plan B." What we have been able to accomplish is only possible because of your memberships and donations.

02 November 2020

StLGS November/December Genealogy Meetings


We hope everyone had a safe and healthy Halloween, even if it wasn't exactly the same as years past. It looks like November will be off to a sunny, mild start in our part of the Midwest, and, as we begin the countdown to the holiday season, which also will look and feel quite different this year, we want to remind you that our genealogy calendar still contains several exciting virtual events. We have one more class online, free to StLGS members, as well as an interesting monthly meeting, open to all, a Jewish SIG meeting, and our virtual Fall Speaker Series, "Often Overlooked St. Louis Resources," which is now available online as digital recordings. Here are all the details.