Happy Halloween! As the year winds down, don't forget St. Louis Genealogical Society still has a few meetings for you to attend, either in person or virtually, via Zoom. And while we are enjoying our Halloween treats, we are also hard at work planning next year's exciting calendar of events. Our November monthly meeting will again be at the Thornhill branch of St. Louis County Library, but will also be livestreamed for those who can't attend in person. We have our last Jewish SIG meeting in early December, and, in case you missed the Fall Speaker Series, the good news is you can still attend virtually! The recordings remain available until the end of the year, and you can register on our website. Also, StLGS members, today is the last day to vote in our annual election of officers! More information about everything is below.

The official blog of the St. Louis Genealogical Society. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Send news to publications@stlgs.org .
31 October 2022
24 October 2022
Got Vikings in Your Family History? A Surprising Number of People Do!
Long before the world had Spiderman and Wonder Woman, many people’s idea of superheroes looked like larger-than-life Viking warriors. These remarkable people seemed to have been everywhere in the ancient world, conquering and pillaging before settling down in a myriad of locations. They left their genes behind in children with light eyes and light hair, and they left place names, runic writing, extremely advanced artisanal skill sets, and long-buried treasure in a stunning number of places.
As the young folks in your life don their Halloween costumes this year, let’s look back at these precursors to our Marvel heroes to see who they were and how they affected all of modern history, including many of our own families.
17 October 2022
Celebrate Family History Month with Pizza!
October is a busy month for many reasons. Last week, we suggested ways genealogists could celebrate Family History Month. (Did you miss last week’s post? You can read it right now!) This week, we want to call your attention to the fact that October is also National Pizza Month, and even if you are not Italian, we thought you might like a bit of pizza history to brighten up your day. So when you are ready for a break from genealogy or are looking for some ideas to add to the stories of your immigrant families, read on!
10 October 2022
Creative Ways to Celebrate Family History Month
October is Family History Month, so why not take the time to do something creative or fun with your favorite hobby? Many families are lucky to have inherited family heirlooms, but, as we have seen in the aftermath of recent hurricanes, sometimes those objects don’t last. Photos get thrown away, glassware breaks, and many young people don’t seem to have much appreciation for antiques.
03 October 2022
October StLGS Genealogy Meetings and Events
Before we get to genealogy, all of us at StLGS want to send our best wishes to our friends in Florida and the Carolinas, with hopes that you, your loved ones, and your homes are safe in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. Our hearts are with those of you living in areas where there was destruction; please know that we are thinking of you.
Now that fall has arrived, if you still haven't ventured back out to work on your genealogy, why not plan to attend a monthly meeting? Our October monthly meeting will again be at the Thornhill branch of St. Louis County Library, but will also be livestreamed for those who can't attend in person. We have an Irish SIG meeting in October, and, in case you missed the Fall Speaker Series, the good news is you can still attend virtually! The recordings are now available, and you can register on our website. Also, StLGS members, it's time to vote in our annual election of officers! More information about everything is below.