24 June 2024

Last Chance for Some Group Photos: Can You Help?

We've talked often about how sad it is when lost photos can't find a home. At the StLGS office, we've been custodians of three group photos for several years, and no one has come forth to claim them. After a trip to the Missouri Historical Society's Library and Research Center, the photos have come back to us; the Historical Society can't keep them, since they don't know who took them and can't obtain copyright permission to make them part of their collections. So, before these lovely images are forever lost, we thought we'd try one more time to see if anyone recognizes a relative or has a connection with a group and wants one of the photos. 

Photo One: St. Louis County Drum and Bugle Corps

Undated, but likely the 1960s or a bit later. No identifying information on either side. Original is 8" x 10"

Photo Two: St. Wenceslaus School, St. Louis

This photo is in rough shape but can be greatly enhanced via photo editing software. It is stamped on the lower left "St. Wenceslaus School, St. Louis, Oct. 1950." On the bottom, between the children third and fourth from the right, is the name of the photography studio, Lester Jones (Tones?). The image is about 5" x 7."

Photo Three: Roosevelt High School

We have two copies of this very large (11" x 14") photo, one somewhat faded; the other yellowed but quite clear. They are dated in the center, June 1930, and other than the yellowing, they are in good condition.

OK, Genie-Detectives . . . Can you help us find homes for these? Please spread the word via any means you have at your disposal and see if you can locate anyone who might want one or more of these. We'll hold on to them for a few months, but they are taking up some valuable and limited space, and they are destined for disposal unless someone claims them soon. Thank you for whatever you can do to help us save these!

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