05 August 2024

First of Many Cemetery Maps Added to the StLGS Website AND StLGS Members: Please Vote on Amended Bylaws!

Although we have had data on many St. Louis-area cemeteries on our website for more than a decade, we have not had the ability to add maps to the pages until our resident map guru, Jim Bellenger, turned that task into his own pet project. For the past year, Jim has hunted down whatever maps exist for as many cemeteries as he could find and has used his talents to superimpose the old maps onto new Google maps and georeference them so that exact locations of even long-gone cemeteries are now visible. Jim has worked with dozens of people in St. Louis City and County and beyond to obtain the maps, get permission to use them, and link them in several ways to the cemetery pages on our site. Because this is so time-consuming, only the first batch of completed maps is now on the website, but lots more are coming!

Below you will find a list of all of the new cemetery maps that we have added to our website this summer. In addition, we have updated our "St. Louis Area Cemeteries List" page to include links to the cemetery pages on the left and links to the maps on the right. (See arrow below.) As we add more maps, more links will be added to that "Maps" column.


We are excited to make the map pages open to everyone, but the cemetery pages linked to them, where there are thousands of names and related information, are for StLGS members only. The technology needed to fund projects such as this one is very expensive, so we hope you will consider joining, if you aren't already a member. And if you are, thank you for helping to make this exciting collection possible!

Here are the new maps:

Be sure to use your mouse's scroll wheel or the plus/minus legend on the maps to zoom in and out so you can see clearly. For more help, each map links both at the top and the bottom to a Cemetery Map Help page.


StLGS Members: Please Read On . . .

Every few years we find the need to update the society's bylaws as times change. One of the ongoing challenges for most societies is finding people willing to take on leadership roles. To help alleviate that problem in our society, we are hoping to create co-leadership positions so two people can share some of the more demanding elected positions. We also saw the need to clarify some minor points in our bylaws and to bring the voting process in line with how we currently do business, which is via our website and not expensive postal mailings. To that end, a committee has worked diligently this summer to revise our old bylaws and to work with the National Genealogical Society to be sure that what we have written is clear, concise, and in line with other societies across the country.

If you are a member of StLGS, please go to the "Proposed Bylaws Amendments" page on our website that has the old bylaws side by side with the changes in red. Then, please cast your vote. Voting will remain open throughout the month of August and ends on the 31st.

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