09 September 2024

St. Louis Hospitals on the StLGS Website

Medical records in almost every state are private, and it is often frustrating knowing that an ancestor may have been in a hospital but not why or where. Unfortunately, we can't solve the "why" problem for you, but if you had an ancestor hospitalized in St. Louis City or County, we have made inroads on the "where." We have long had a page on our website for St. Louis-area hospitals with a link to a list of known hospitals. On that page, you can also find a link to information about the cholera epidemic of 1849 and links to two repositories that have microfilmed registers from the old St. Louis City Hospital for a limited number of years. We are pleased to announce that our hospital list now has been greatly enhanced by webmaster Jim Bellenger, who has also used his map magic skills on a newly designed Google Maps interface, so you can see where each hospital was (or still is).

Start on your quest at the St. Louis Hospitals page on our website, which contains a list of names, dates, addresses, and "tidbits" of information. Did you know that from 1900 through 1920, there was an Anti-Narcotin Sanitarium in the city? This was a private facility to treat addiction. How about the Social Evil Hospital? Located on Arsenal and Sublette from 1873 to 1914, the patients were indigent females, and, from the name of the hospital, one assumes these women likely survived on the streets. Once you have checked out the list, scroll back up to the top and click on the link to the St. Louis Hospitals Map. (red arrow in the image below)

On the map, zoom in by using your mouse or the +/- signs on the top left so you can clearly see the words. You'll see pinned locations marked "H" indicating where hospitals are/were located. Hover your mouse pointer on a pin for the name of the hospital. Click on a pin to display information and an exact location for each hospital on the map. In our example below, clicking on the blue pin for DePaul Hospital opens a pop-up box with information on the original location of DePaul (which is today in north St. Louis County).

Knowing about the medical facilities near where your ancestors lived or worked may help you as you build out their lives. We hope you enjoy this new feature on our website.


StLGS Members Approve Amended Bylaws

Thanks to everyone who voted, the new society bylaws were approved as of 1 September 2024. With only one negative vote and almost one hundred "yes" votes, we are pleased to be able to proceed with this year's election of officers, which we will be telling you about in a few weeks. The new bylaws are now on our website at https://stlgs.org/about-us-2/bylaws, so if you didn't get a chance to look at them prior to the vote, we hope you will do so now.

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