Mocavo is a genealogy search engine. Unlike generic search engines, when you search on Mocavo, it does not offer hits on social network sites. It searches only genealogy-based websites and blogs. Although the basic search is free, Mocavo Plus offers enhanced searching ability, including an interesting twist on searching for names that might be misspelled. There is also a version of the Social Security Death Index on the site that still retains all the details that some other sites have removed because of privacy concerns, and there are family trees being posted as well.
Start exploring Mocavo.com by clicking here to create a free account (you just provide your name and e-mail address). When you are ready to upgrade, click here. This page is just for StLGS members and will give you a secure way to sign up for your discounted year's subscription. Thanks to Michael Leclerc for making this possible for our members. Have fun and find lots of relatives!