Did you ever wonder why the Campbell House Museum seems to sit alone in mid-St. Louis? It wasn't always that way. It once was the center of a thriving neighborhood called Lucas Place, and the Landmarks Association of St. Louis is ready to share a beautiful new exhibit focusing on their neighborhood with the public.
"Lucas Place: Lost Neighborhood of St. Louis's Gilded Age" will open with a reception on Friday, 22 March at 5:30 p.m. at the Landmarks Association office, 911 Washington Avenue, Suite 170. The exhibit will stay open during regular Landmarks office hours, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, until July.
The Landmarks press release states, "The exhibit will explore the history, people, and buildings associated with St. Louis's premier residential neighborhood of the mid-nineteenth century. Located between 13th and 16th Streets along what is now Locust, Lucas Place was once populated by some of St. Louis's most renowned families and citizens. Its success was short-lived, however, as rapid commercial and industrial development surrounded the street and residents departed for new residential districts farther from St. Louis's commercial core. Today, the Campbell House Museum is all that remains of this once elegant and fascinating neighborhood."
Landmarks is also planning a series of lectures on lost neighborhoods of St. Louis in April and May. More news on those lectures to come . . .
Questions: Andrew Weil at Landmarks:
Website with more information: