And we've got three nifty things to tell you about today.

First, Saturday was the inaugural of the
St. Louis Ancestor Treasure Hunt at our StLGS office. We had a full house, and thanks to the many enthusiastic volunteers on hand to help (and to VP-Programs Ken Webb for organizing everything), it was a great experience for everyone. Being able to sit with an experienced researcher for more than an hour and work on getting started or overcoming a brick wall seemed to be just what most people needed. We hope it stimulated more interest in StLGS and in genealogy in general, and we look forward to the next session.
Did you miss out? Not a problem, as we have three more Saturdays scheduled. You can register for Saturday, 14 June, Saturday, 12 July, or Saturday, 9 August from 10 a.m. until 11:30 or 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. You can sign up directly from our website Just click on the "Treasure Hunt" button, download a flyer, and send it in.
Second, are you a "mature adult" who happens to be a member of AARP? If so, they recently announced a very nice discount on subscriptions to for AARP members. If you are interested, you can save 30% on a World Explorer membership for one year. Existing Ancestry subscriptions can be extended with the discount for one year. If you are interested, go to for all the details.
Finally, if you are looking for ways to preserve your genealogy and live in the vicinity of Belleville, Illinois, you may want to attend the St. Clair County Genealogical Society meeting on Thursday, 3 April at 7:30 p.m. at St. Luke's Parish Hall, 226 N. Church Street, in Belleville. Featured speaker, Larry Darnell, will present "Publishing for Posterity: Saving Your Research for Future Generations," with lots of tips on how to preserve your countless hours of family research. This meeting is free and open to everyone. More information on the society's website