You are invited to the grand opening of an exhibit called "Catholic St. Louis 250"!

Help the St. Louis Archdiocese Office of Archives and Records to celebrate the 250th birthday of St. Louis and the 800th birthday of St. Louis IX, King of France and the city's namesake. Come explore the rich history of the Archdiocese of St. Louis from the early French settlers to the present. Refreshments will be served.
Thursday, 19 June, from 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.
Rosati Museum, first floor of the Cardinal Rigali Center
20 Archbishop May Drive, Shrewsbury, MO 63119
If you can't make it to the opening, the museum will be open to visitors
on Wednesday afternoons, from noon until 4 p.m
Caught in the Draft: Conscription Records of World War I
Saturday, 21 June, 10:30 a.m. until noon
St. Louis Public Library, 1301 Olive St., Training Room, 2nd floor
Join reference librarian, Tom Pearson, for this free class covering books, manuscripts, microfilm, and Internet sources for information on draft laws and records from World War I. To register, contact Tom at