We usually refer to the hot, humid, days of August as the "dog days of summer." But that doesn't mean you should be deprived of exciting genealogy events! Join us for these upcoming August meetings that should allow you to stay cool and learn at the same time! And registration is now open for our exciting hybrid Fall Speaker Series. Read on for all the details . . .

The official blog of the St. Louis Genealogical Society. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Send news to publications@stlgs.org .
31 July 2023
StLGS August Meetings AND Registration for the Fall Speaker Series Opens!
24 July 2023
Biographies for Sale at the StLGS Trading Post and Beyond
Do you often wish someone had written a biography or family history to help move your genealogy along? Maybe someone did write an article or a book. You can use search engines to find books about your family, or you can see if someone has donated a book to the StLGS Trading Post, where we sell gently-used history and genealogy books donated to the society by members and friends.
17 July 2023
Even Our Ancestors Enjoyed Ice Cream!
Yesterday, Sunday, July 16th, is probably not a date that you had circled on your calendar, unless, of course, there was a birthday in your family or in your circle of friends. So, in case you missed it, yesterday was National Ice Cream Day, giving us a perfect opportunity to celebrate a favorite summer treat that was likely enjoyed by most of our ancestors as well as by most of us!
10 July 2023
Find Your Ancestors in the Newly-Released 1931 Canadian Census
If you have ancestors from Canada, you know that there is a Canadian census, like ours, conducted every ten years, but unlike ours, a complete national census is not available before 1871, since Canada did not become a confederation until 1867. The first census for the Confederation of Canada covers just the four original provinces: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, and Ontario. The next census, in 1881, covered the entire country as it existed then. There are earlier censuses for Canada, but they are for individual provinces and territories. All these early censuses are digitized and available online, most on FamilySearch for free and on Ancestry and Findmypast with a subscription. For a complete listing of available Canadian censuses and where they are located, see the article in the FamilySearch wiki, called “Canada Census.”
03 July 2023
StLGS Office Update AND July Meetings and Classes
Happy Fourth of July! As we mentioned a few weeks ago, the StLGS office in Maplewood is getting a much-needed facelift, and work is in full swing. The painters have finished applying a double coat of a soft grayish-white paint on all the walls, a big improvement over the dull pink that was previously there. This last week, the carpet installers removed the old, faded pinkish/gray-blue carpet in the more traveled areas of the office and replaced it with a bright navy/mauve textured one. The next step will be a thorough top to bottom cleaning by a professional crew. This is, of course, taking time and hard work. Read on for more details!