We hope you are staying warm and dry during this past month of freezing cold and copious rain and snow. Even our friends and relatives in Florida are feeling real winter this year! We are so very glad we can offer you most of our meetings and classes now as hybrid so that no matter where you are or how nasty the weather, you can participate, learn, and continue to grow your genealogy research skills. We love seeing you in person, however, and hope you will come out and join us now whenever you can. Here is what is on tap for February.

The official blog of the St. Louis Genealogical Society. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Send news to publications@stlgs.org .
29 January 2024
22 January 2024
Some New Year's Resolutions for Genealogists
As each new year begins, do you get excited about starting over? Do you promise yourself you will exercise more? Eat more healthy foods? Cut back on bad habits or continue good ones? Perhaps you have made some new year’s resolutions for those things, but have you thought about making some for your genealogy research? There are many things that all of us can do in this new year and those to come to enhance our research skills. Why not make a resolution for 2024 to become a better researcher? Here are a few suggestions for how you can do just that.
15 January 2024
Honoring Our Ancestors Who Fought for Equality
This long holiday weekend, we honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who lived and died fighting for equal rights for everyone, regardless of how they looked, what they believed in, or where they came from. For all of us as genealogists, this seems like an appropriate time to think about and pay homage to our ancestors who lived and died fighting for equality and acceptance.
08 January 2024
Patent Models Online at Missouri Historical Society's Website
In a recent blog post, we shared information on a little-known area of Google’s website: Google Patents. We discussed how you could check to see if one of your ancestors filed for a U.S. patent and the interesting information a patent file might contain. (If you missed that post from October 2023, you can find it here.) Shortly after our blog was released, the fall 2023 issue of the Gateway magazine published by the Missouri Historical Society arrived containing a fascinating article on patents written by Assistant Collections Manager Bryan Morey. Read on to see how the Missouri Historical Society’s collection may lead to some remarkable discoveries for you.
01 January 2024
January 2024 StLGS Genealogy Meetings and Classes
Happy New Year! Before we tell you about the exciting meetings and classes we have planned to kick off 2024, we want to say a huge THANK YOU! to all of you who generously donated to St. Louis Genealogical Society during the past year. The outpouring of donations and words of encouragement we have received from you mean the world to all of us who volunteer for the society. Everything we do throughout the year is for the betterment of our members and friends, and we thank you so very much for recognizing that. Now, read on to learn what we have waiting in the wings as the new year begins. . .