Ken Webb, one of our society's multi-talented volunteers, is doing a series of genealogy workshops at the Cliff Cave branch of St. Louis County Library. This coming Monday night, the 16th of December, Ken will talk about "Offline Genealogy Resources." The talk starts at 6:30 p.m. and will end about 8:00 p.m. More information about Ken's talk is on the St. Louis County Library website
The Cliff Cave branch of SLCL is located at 5430 Telegraph Road in Oakville, Missouri. Ken currently is the society's vice-president-membership and a co-leader of the Irish Special Interest Group. He is the vendor chair for the annual Family History Conference and our go-to person for photography at special events.
If you have any questions about Ken's talk, you can call the library at 314-994-3300. For directions and a map, click here:

The official blog of the St. Louis Genealogical Society. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Send news to .
12 December 2013
03 December 2013
Steamboat Talk at Mercantile Library
Held at the Mercantile Library in the Thomas Jefferson Library at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, this talk requires pre-registration and a nominal payment of $10 for Mercantile Library members and $12 for non-members. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Parking is free and available on campus. To register or for more information, call Sean at 314-516-7244.
27 November 2013
StLGS Book Jamboree Twitter Book Giveaway!
- $21.95 value.
- Prize is not redeemable for cash or transferable.
- No substitutions allowed.
The Rules:
- No purchase or payment necessary to enter or win.
- Sponsor: St Louis Genealogical Society, #4 Sunnen Drive, Suite 140, St. Louis, MO 63143
- Between 12 noon CST, Wednesday, 27 November 2013, and 7 p.m. CST, Saturday, 30 November 2013, go to the StLGS Twitter page (@StLGS) and retweet the tweet containing the link:
- One entry re-tweet per Twitter account per day.
- Giveaway ends at 7 p.m. CST, Saturday, 30 November 2013.
- One winner will be selected using Potential winner will be contacted via Direct Message (DM) on Twitter and must respond to sponsor’s DM to claim the prize via DM supplying full name, e-mail address, shipping address, and phone number, no later than 4 December 2013, after which no alternate winner will be selected nor unclaimed prize awarded. Contest results are final.
- We can only ship to addresses in the U.S. or Canada.
The Event:
StLGS 9th
Annual Book Jamboree, Sunday, 1
December 2013, 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
office, #4 Sunnen Drive, Suite 140, St. Louis, MO 63143
This is a free event open
to everyone. Browse and purchase gifts for those looking for genealogical and
historical resources. Local authors will be on hand to sign their history and
locally-themed books. Genealogical and historical organizations from the
greater St. Louis area will present their publications as well.
For a list of authors
scheduled for this year’s event, click here:
26 November 2013
StLGS Book Jamboree

Please join us on Sunday, 1 December 2014 at the StLGS office, 4 Sunnen Drive, Suite 140, St. Louis, MO 63143, from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. for the ninth annual StLGS Book Jamboree. This year's lineup of authors is exceptional and there promises to be something for just about everyone on your holiday shopping list.
Among the returning favorites are Charlie Brennan, NiNi Harris, and John Oldani. They will be joined by a dozen other local authors plus representatives from several local publishing companies and societies. The authors are looking forward to chatting with you and signing copies of their books. For a complete list of who will be there and their featured books, be sure to check our website <>.
See you Sunday afternoon!
14 November 2013
War and Healing: Artwork from the Combat Paper Project: Mercantile Library Exhibit
Everyone is invited to a special event on Friday, 15 November from 10 a.m. until noon at the Mercantile Library in the Thomas Jefferson Library at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, for readings and book signings to launch Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors, volume 2, a collection of prose and poetry by veterans and military family members. Friday's program kicks off an exhibit that will be open until 6 January 2014 at Mercantile Library and will feature readings by authors who have had their work accepted for the anthology. Many of these authors are veterans from the St. Louis area.
The moderator of the program, Colin Halloran, is a veteran of the Afghanistan war, a teacher and poet who leads workshops on understanding war through poetry.
This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing. Parking is free and accessible in the West Drive Garage on the UMSL campus. An RSVP is appreciated; contact Julie at 314-516-6740 or via e-mail at <>.
The moderator of the program, Colin Halloran, is a veteran of the Afghanistan war, a teacher and poet who leads workshops on understanding war through poetry.
This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing. Parking is free and accessible in the West Drive Garage on the UMSL campus. An RSVP is appreciated; contact Julie at 314-516-6740 or via e-mail at <>.
04 November 2013
Cemetery Preservation Meeting in Belleville
The St. Clair County Genealogical Society invites everyone to their monthly meeting, Thursday, 7 November, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Luke's Parish Hall, 226 N. Church Street in Belleville, Illinois. Featured speakers will be Dawn Cobb, Human Skeletal Remains Protection Act Coordinator for the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, and Hal Hassan, an archeologist with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. They will discuss cemetery preservation efforts, including proper maintenance and repair of headstones and monuments. More information is available on the SCCGS website <>.
23 October 2013
St. Louis Genealogy Events This Weekend: 26 and 27 October
Of course, there are baseball games to watch, but just in case you need something to do during the daylight hours this coming weekend, here are some suggestions:
Please note: The StLGS office will be closed on Saturday, the 26th so our volunteers can attend the conference.
Sunday, 27 October, 1:00 p.m., 6303 Michigan Ave., St. Louis, MO
Keynote speaker: Tom Weil, author and former travel writer for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The Carondelet Historical Society Library has many books, maps, photos, and other records from this very old village, now a neighborhood, in the southern part of St. Louis. The society invites everyone to celebrate their growing library, housed in a former school building. Refreshments will be served. For more information, you can contact them at <>.
St. Louis Genealogical Society Speaker Series: Start with the Internet . . . And Then What?
Saturday, 26 October; Orlando Gardens, 8352 Watson Road, Webster Groves, MO
Registration opens at 8:30 a.m.; lectures begin at 9:00 a.m.
Genealogists should search the Internet for their needs, but how do you make the most of what is online and what do you do next? Four area genealogy experts will share best practices and give you plenty of ways to move forward in your research. For more information, go to the StLGS website <>.Please note: The StLGS office will be closed on Saturday, the 26th so our volunteers can attend the conference.
Carondelet Historical Society celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Frederick W. Bouchein LibrarySunday, 27 October, 1:00 p.m., 6303 Michigan Ave., St. Louis, MO
Keynote speaker: Tom Weil, author and former travel writer for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The Carondelet Historical Society Library has many books, maps, photos, and other records from this very old village, now a neighborhood, in the southern part of St. Louis. The society invites everyone to celebrate their growing library, housed in a former school building. Refreshments will be served. For more information, you can contact them at <>.
14 October 2013
Upcoming Events in Union and St. Charles, Missouri
The Franklin County (Missouri) History Fair is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, 20 October 2013, from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the County Seat Senior Center in Union. This free event is open to anyone who wants to learn more about the history and genealogy of the region. Many historical societies will be participating including the State Historical Society of Missouri, as well as DeSoto, Old Mines, Bellevue Valley, Jefferson County, Crawford County, Gasconade County, and Friends of Daniel Boone's Burial Site. Many local Franklin County groups will be on hand and St. Louis Genealogical Society will also have representatives there. Throughout the afternoon, demonstrations of spinning and basket weaving and genealogy workshops are scheduled to take place, and refreshments will be available for purchase. A silent auction, hourly 50-50 drawings, and attendance prizes should make the day even more fun. For more information, you can contact Sue Blesi, fair organizer, at <> or call 573-739-9201.
Pre-registration is necessary. If you would like to attend, make your check payable to St. Charles County Historical Society and mail it to 101 S. Main St., St. Charles, MO 63301. Be sure to include your name, address, e-mail, and phone number. Questions? Call the Historical Society at 636-946-9828.
We mentioned this in a recent issue of News 'n Notes, but it bears repeating: If you are working on German genealogy, you might like to spend a day in St. Charles at the Family History Workshop on Saturday, 2 November 2013. More German Resources
There are Never Enough! features experienced German researcher, author, and lecturer, Baerbel Johnson, who will deliver four lectures: "German Records and Resources on and," "German Research: Connecting People with Places," "Our German Ancestors and their Occupations," and "Helpful German Research Websites." The event, co-sponsored by the St. Charles County Historical Society and St. Charles Community College, costs $30 and will be held on the community college campus, 4601 Mid Rivers Mall Drive, in the social science building auditorium. Box lunches are available for pre-order for an additional $8.Pre-registration is necessary. If you would like to attend, make your check payable to St. Charles County Historical Society and mail it to 101 S. Main St., St. Charles, MO 63301. Be sure to include your name, address, e-mail, and phone number. Questions? Call the Historical Society at 636-946-9828.
08 October 2013
Speaker Series Reminder and Special Event in Arnold, Missouri
Have you registered for the Fall Speaker Series yet? This is just a reminder that the early registration for "Start with the Internet . . . And Then What?" ends on Saturday, 12 October. Of course, you can register after that, but it will save you some money and ensure that you have a spot (and a lunch!), if you register early. For more information on the Speaker Series or to register, you can click here to go directly to the StLGS website.
Using the Online Website:
Friday, 11 October
12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Arnold Branch Library, Jefferson Co., Missouri
This genealogy class will explore the overhauled and expanded FamilySearch website. Learn how to effectively search billions of records across hundreds of collections and save images pertaining to one's family.
Call the Arnold branch library for more information or to register: 636-296-2204
And from our friends in Jefferson County, Missouri, comes this invitation:Using the Online Website:
Friday, 11 October
12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Arnold Branch Library, Jefferson Co., Missouri
This genealogy class will explore the overhauled and expanded FamilySearch website. Learn how to effectively search billions of records across hundreds of collections and save images pertaining to one's family.
Call the Arnold branch library for more information or to register: 636-296-2204
30 August 2013
Two Exciting Upcoming Events

The National Archives in Washington, D.C. is hosting its first-ever Virtual Genealogy Fair with live lectures and chat via the website UStream and a call-in genealogy help line. The two-day program, scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, 3 and 4 September 2013, will focus on using federal records at the National Archives and is intended for all levels of researchers. If you miss the live sessions, they will be recorded and available online after the event.
The Genealogy Help Line will be open from 1 to 4 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) on both days at this toll-free number: 1-855-309-8404. You can also e-mail your queries to <>.
For all the details, including the exact times and topics of each talk, go to the National Archives Virtual Genealogy Fair web page: <>. Instructions for how to attend the live sessions as well as links to handout material are on the page too.
Reception in St. Charles for German Producers of Utopia: Revisiting a German State in the USA
Preparatory to a worldwide tour, the men behind a bold, exciting traveling exhibition focusing on a German Utopia that was established by immigrants to Missouri in 1834 will be in St. Charles for a reception on Tuesday, 10 September, from 5 to 7 p.m. The reception will be held at the St. Charles County Heritage Park, 1630 Heritage Landing, near the intersection of Highway 364 (the Page Extension) and Highway 94. For more information on the reception, contact Dorris Keeven Franke at <>.
For more information on the exhibit, go to the English version of the website: <>. The actual exhibit will begin its journey in Giessen, Germany, on 1 November. The exhibit will then travel to Bremen before arriving in Washington, D.C. in the fall of 2014. It will arrive in St. Louis at the Missouri History Museum in November 2014 and will be here until the end of March 2015.
21 August 2013
Our Own Television Celebrity!
Have you been following our Facebook, Twitter, and News 'n Notes tidbits on the new incarnation of the popular television series Who Do You Think You Are? If so, you know that the series was dropped by NBC but picked up by TLC for this season. You also know that you can access any episodes you missed by going online to, where you can watch without a cable subscription.
You will definitely want to catch the latest show, when you discover that our own Dennis Northcott, associate archivist at the Missouri History Museum's Library and Research Center, was the first of several professionals featured last night, as actor Chris O'Donnell learned about his father's family. Chris's paternal family was from St. Louis. Dennis helped Chris discover how his ancestors lived through the famous cholera epidemic in the mid-nineteenth century and pointed him in the right direction to learn more about this ancestor's military career. The beautiful interior of the Mo. Hist. Library was gleaming, and, of course, Dennis did brilliantly in his on-screen time. Be sure to check it out!
You will definitely want to catch the latest show, when you discover that our own Dennis Northcott, associate archivist at the Missouri History Museum's Library and Research Center, was the first of several professionals featured last night, as actor Chris O'Donnell learned about his father's family. Chris's paternal family was from St. Louis. Dennis helped Chris discover how his ancestors lived through the famous cholera epidemic in the mid-nineteenth century and pointed him in the right direction to learn more about this ancestor's military career. The beautiful interior of the Mo. Hist. Library was gleaming, and, of course, Dennis did brilliantly in his on-screen time. Be sure to check it out!
06 August 2013
Want to Join Us in Salt Lake City?
We have had a cancellation for the Salt Lake City research trip and now have one single room available. If you wanted to join us on this year's trip but couldn't make the cutoff date, here is your chance to grab a room. We will be happy to honor the early registration price, too!
The dates again are 3-10 November and our planning meeting is set for Saturday, 17 August, at the office from 1 to 3:30 p.m.
Please send an e-mail to <> or call into the office on Thursday or Saturday during business hours and ask for Ilene or Bob, if you are interested.
The dates again are 3-10 November and our planning meeting is set for Saturday, 17 August, at the office from 1 to 3:30 p.m.
Please send an e-mail to <> or call into the office on Thursday or Saturday during business hours and ask for Ilene or Bob, if you are interested.
25 July 2013
StLGS Office Closed This Saturday
Just a quick reminder that Saturday, 27 July is the Summer Speaker Series. Since this event will be held at our office, we will be closed to visitors that day. The Speaker Series is full, so no walk-ins, please. We look forward to seeing you for our next event!
24 July 2013
Special Events in St. Charles This Weekend

Also, for those who are interested, on Saturday, 27 July 2013 at 12 noon is the next quarterly luncheon of the St. Charles County Historical Society, featuring a program on the Osage in St. Charles. Special guest speaker, Kathryn Red Corn, Director/Curator of the Osage Tribal Museum in Pawhuska, Oklahoma, will talk about the Osage Nation and its history. Ms. Red Corn is an internationally recognized historian on the Osage American Indians. Luncheon reservations, at $16 per person, are requested. The luncheon will be held at Stegton Regency Banquet Center, 1450 Wall Street, in St. Charles. Reservations can be made by calling the Archives at 636-946-9828 or send an e-mail to <>. The society accepts Mastercard, Visa and Discover.
The St. Charles County Historical Society Archives website is at <>.
29 June 2013
StLGS Office News
Just a reminder that the StLGS office will be closed on Thursday, 4 July. We hope you have a great holiday and that you will visit us on Saturday, the 6th, when we will be back to our regular office hours.
In other news, at long last, the new road leading from Hanley Road into Sunnen Industrial has been completed, making it possible once again to get to our office from Hanley.
If you are coming south on Hanley, now you can cross Manchester Road, and look for the first traffic light, a new intersection of Hanley and Sunnen, at the crest of the hill. There is a Mini dealership on the southeast corner and a Phillips 66 gas station on the west side of Hanley just before the light. Make a left and follow the new road past the MetroLink station. Keep going until you get to the second roundabout (traffic circle) and make a right.
For those of you coming north on Hanley, go past the Deer Creek Shopping Center (which has recently been rebuilt and now boasts some excellent shopping). Go under the railroad trestle and up the hill. The new light is just past the Mini dealership; you will make a right and proceed as above.
This afternoon, our parking lot got new stripes and a few new handicapped spaces, so parking should be a bit easier when you visit.
In other news, at long last, the new road leading from Hanley Road into Sunnen Industrial has been completed, making it possible once again to get to our office from Hanley.
If you are coming south on Hanley, now you can cross Manchester Road, and look for the first traffic light, a new intersection of Hanley and Sunnen, at the crest of the hill. There is a Mini dealership on the southeast corner and a Phillips 66 gas station on the west side of Hanley just before the light. Make a left and follow the new road past the MetroLink station. Keep going until you get to the second roundabout (traffic circle) and make a right.
For those of you coming north on Hanley, go past the Deer Creek Shopping Center (which has recently been rebuilt and now boasts some excellent shopping). Go under the railroad trestle and up the hill. The new light is just past the Mini dealership; you will make a right and proceed as above.
This afternoon, our parking lot got new stripes and a few new handicapped spaces, so parking should be a bit easier when you visit.
21 June 2013
Missouri History Museum Special Lecture AND Update on Downtown Parking
Reminder: As we printed in the last News 'n Notes, librarian Marie Concannon will present a talk on "Researching Your Ancestors in Federal Depository Library Collections" this Saturday, 22 June, at 10:30 a.m. in the Lee Auditorium at the Missouri History Museum in Forest Park. Marie will give strategies for researchers who would like to search Federal Depository Library Program collections for clues about ancestors. She will also speak about state government publications for genealogical research. This talk is free and you do not need to pre-register.
Also, this week, officials in St. Louis announced that beginning on 1 July 2013, meter parking in downtown St. Louis will be enforced on Saturdays. Many of us have enjoyed parking for free on Saturdays to research in our beautiful downtown branch of the St. Louis Public Library, but this perk is ending. There is a small library parking lot just a block or so away that patrons are welcome to use. If there is space in the lot, you can ask at the information desk when you leave the library for a parking token. Otherwise, there is plenty of metered street parking and several other lots nearby, but they will charge a fee.
For a map of nearby parking lots:
Also, this week, officials in St. Louis announced that beginning on 1 July 2013, meter parking in downtown St. Louis will be enforced on Saturdays. Many of us have enjoyed parking for free on Saturdays to research in our beautiful downtown branch of the St. Louis Public Library, but this perk is ending. There is a small library parking lot just a block or so away that patrons are welcome to use. If there is space in the lot, you can ask at the information desk when you leave the library for a parking token. Otherwise, there is plenty of metered street parking and several other lots nearby, but they will charge a fee.
For a map of nearby parking lots:
04 June 2013
Land Records Class at St. Louis Public Library
"Land Rich, Dirt Poor: Use of Land Records in Genealogical Research" is the name of a class that genealogy librarian, Tom Pearson, is teaching this coming Saturday, 8 June from 10:30 a.m. until noon in the second floor training room at Central Library. Tom will discuss book, manuscript, microfilm, and Internet sources of information on records of land acquisition and transfers. Pre-registration is recommended but not required, and the class is free. To register or for more information, send Tom an e-mail at <>.
Central Library is located at 1301 Olive Street, St. Louis, MO 63103. Parking is free at the meters on Saturdays, and there are several parking lots nearby. If the day is nice and you enjoy walking, the nearest MetroLink station is just a few blocks away.
Central Library is located at 1301 Olive Street, St. Louis, MO 63103. Parking is free at the meters on Saturdays, and there are several parking lots nearby. If the day is nice and you enjoy walking, the nearest MetroLink station is just a few blocks away.
25 May 2013
Through America's Lens: An Exhibit Focusing on WWII
The National Archives at St. Louis National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) has opened a special exhibit called "Through America's Lens: Focusing on the Greatest Generation, 1920–1945." The exhibit features photographs and documents and will be open Monday through Friday until 27 September from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. at the NPRC building in Hazelwood.
On Wednesday, 29 May at 6:30 p.m., a panel of local historians will discuss "Poverty in America" as it relates to the photographs in the exhibit. The panel will be moderated by Dr. Jonathan C. Smith of St. Louis University's Department of African-American studies. The panel will consist of three local professors who will discuss the Great Depression, post-Depression poverty, and the impact of poverty on enrollment in World War II.
This panel discussion is free, but the NPRC would appreciate your letting them know if you plan to attend. You can send an e-mail to <> (with "lecture" in the subject line) or call 314-801-0847.
The NPRC is located at 1 Archives Drive, just off Dunn Road and next to Hazelwood East Middle School. There is security screening upon entering and exiting the facility. You will need photo ID to enter and are asked to leave weapons, knives, etc. at home. For more information, visit the website at <>

This panel discussion is free, but the NPRC would appreciate your letting them know if you plan to attend. You can send an e-mail to <> (with "lecture" in the subject line) or call 314-801-0847.
The NPRC is located at 1 Archives Drive, just off Dunn Road and next to Hazelwood East Middle School. There is security screening upon entering and exiting the facility. You will need photo ID to enter and are asked to leave weapons, knives, etc. at home. For more information, visit the website at <>
18 May 2013
You Can Help Preserve the War of 1812 Pension Records!

You can go to the contest blog at to find out more information and/or to enter. Prizes start to be drawn on Monday, 20 May and will continue all next week, so don't delay. Even if you don't win the mighty national Powerball Lottery, you might get lucky here!
27 April 2013
Opportunity Knocks on Thursdays!

Please add the following to your calendars, if you are interested:
Thursday, 2 May: Ted Steele will be in the office until 4 p.m. to talk about DNA/genetics and/or RootsMagic, a genealogical software program for Windows-based computers.
Thursday, 9 May: Ken Webb will be in the office until 7 p.m. to discuss Irish publications for research, a review of the most popular Irish organizations and their publications, and researching in Ireland.
Thursday, 16 May: Ken Webb will be in the office until 7 p.m. to discuss organizing your research materials.
Please contact us at <>, if you have any questions, and we look forward to seeing you on Thursday afternoons this summer.
29 March 2013
Family History Conference 2013

Early registration ends on the 6th of April. Of course, you can still register after that, but you will save some money and help us in our planning by registering early. Lots more information and a registration form on our website:
22 March 2013
Got Books?

At this time, our supply of books is quite low. We welcome gently used copies of books of historical and/or genealogical interest for the Trading Post. (Please, no journals.) Go to the Trading Post page on our website <> for specific donation guidelines, and thank you for your generosity.
12 March 2013
New Exhibit at Landmarks St. Louis
"Lucas Place: Lost Neighborhood of St. Louis's Gilded Age" will open with a reception on Friday, 22 March at 5:30 p.m. at the Landmarks Association office, 911 Washington Avenue, Suite 170. The exhibit will stay open during regular Landmarks office hours, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, until July.
The Landmarks press release states, "The exhibit will explore the history, people, and buildings associated with St. Louis's premier residential neighborhood of the mid-nineteenth century. Located between 13th and 16th Streets along what is now Locust, Lucas Place was once populated by some of St. Louis's most renowned families and citizens. Its success was short-lived, however, as rapid commercial and industrial development surrounded the street and residents departed for new residential districts farther from St. Louis's commercial core. Today, the Campbell House Museum is all that remains of this once elegant and fascinating neighborhood."
Landmarks is also planning a series of lectures on lost neighborhoods of St. Louis in April and May. More news on those lectures to come . . .
Questions: Andrew Weil at Landmarks:
Website with more information:
03 March 2013
StLGS Trivia Night: Friday, 8 March

This is always such a fun-filled event! One of our members, Judi Donahue, will be this year's trivia hostess. Judi has prepared a wide variety of questions on many topics and is prepared to both challenge you and make you smile. In addition to the trivia questions, there will be a silent auction with awesome baskets of goodies, and several special games, such as "Heads or Tails," "Dead or Alive," and "50/50." We will provide soft drinks and light snacks, and you are welcome to bring whatever food and drink you like for your table.
Prices for this evening are $120 for a table of eight or $15 per individual. There is plenty of space, and, of course, we will help you find some new friends for the night, if you don't have a complete table or just want to come by yourself.
Click here to register on our website. Directions to the Maryland Heights Centre and a map are there too. If you have any questions or want to register via telephone, you can call the office this week on Tuesday or Thursday from 9 a.m. till noon at 314-647-8547.
12 February 2013
Abe Lincoln, Mark Twain, and the Civil War
Sound interesting? If you have some free time this evening, you might want to head downtown to the beautiful new auditorium in the lower level of the Central Library to enjoy veteran performer, Dave Ehlert as he portrays Lincoln and Twain in a live theatrical production. Discover how a Union president and a Confederate deserter fought against slavery and racism during the Civil War. To register or for more information, send an e-mail to Tom Pearson at <>.
07 February 2013
In Memoriam, Skip Rogers, 1929-2013

03 February 2013
Finding Your Ancestors at the Mo. History Museum Library & Research Center
Looking for something unique in St. Louis records? The Missouri History Museum Library and Research Center may have just what you need. Join associate archivist, Dennis Northcott, for an entertaining and informative look at the genealogical treasures stored at the L&R Center.
Dennis will talk about the repository and its fascinating contents on Wednesday, 6 February from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the Kirkwood Public Library, 140 East Jefferson Ave., Kirkwood, Mo.
The L&R Center has city directories, military records, company newsletters, school yearbooks, historic photographs, and newspapers, as well as extensive business records for St. Louis. Dennis will walk you through what you can find there, the ins and outs of doing on site research there, and how to get the most from the L&R's website. The workshop is open to all and is free. No pre-registration required.
For directions to the library, click here:
For more information on the Missouri History Museum Library and Research Center, click here:

The L&R Center has city directories, military records, company newsletters, school yearbooks, historic photographs, and newspapers, as well as extensive business records for St. Louis. Dennis will walk you through what you can find there, the ins and outs of doing on site research there, and how to get the most from the L&R's website. The workshop is open to all and is free. No pre-registration required.
For directions to the library, click here:
For more information on the Missouri History Museum Library and Research Center, click here:
25 January 2013
Open House is Sunday, 27 January!
What better thing to do on a cold Sunday afternoon in January than be surrounded by a hundred or so of your "genie buddies" at the StLGS annual Open House? You won't even notice if it is raining out as you bask in the warmth of fellow enthusiasts at this always-exciting event. Open House takes place at our office, #4 Sunnen Drive in Maplewood, from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m this Sunday, 27 January 2013.
We'll have lots of eager volunteers on hand to give you a tour, answer your questions, tell you about the Special Interest Groups (SIGS), help you on the computer, or just chat with you while you indulge in a sweet treat and a hot cup of coffee or tea. If you haven't been to the office before, this would be a great time to check it out. Even if you have been there dozens of times, we welcome you to come back once more and join us for the afternoon. You can sign up for classes, peruse the new and gently used books for sale, do a bit of research in the research room or online, and be among the first to learn about this year's Family History Conference and the summer Research Institute.
There is plenty of free parking and we are within walking distance of the Sunnen MetroLink stop. More information, as always, is on our website: We are all looking forward to seeing you on Sunday afternoon.

There is plenty of free parking and we are within walking distance of the Sunnen MetroLink stop. More information, as always, is on our website: We are all looking forward to seeing you on Sunday afternoon.
17 January 2013
Congratulations to Gerry Perschbacher!
Congratulations are in order for StLGS member and former German SIG leader, Gerry Perschbacher, who was honored as the Doctor of Laws Honoris Causa recipient for 2012 from Concordia University Chicago. This honorary Doctor of Laws degree is presented to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to education through teaching competence, administrative leadership, and creativity in educational thought and action.
Gerry is an editor, writer, and lecturer, as well as the founder of the Lutheran Hour Ministries' Research Center Archives in St. Louis, which is now one of the largest centers in North America for Lutheran research. Gerry was the first leader of the StLGS German Special Interest Group, helping it become the active, dynamic group it is today. He remains the compiler of the G-SIG Forum, a monthly e-newsletter sent to G-SIG members.
Gerry is an editor, writer, and lecturer, as well as the founder of the Lutheran Hour Ministries' Research Center Archives in St. Louis, which is now one of the largest centers in North America for Lutheran research. Gerry was the first leader of the StLGS German Special Interest Group, helping it become the active, dynamic group it is today. He remains the compiler of the G-SIG Forum, a monthly e-newsletter sent to G-SIG members.
Update on NARA Visit on 23 January
If you are planning on attending the Researcher's Forum at the National Personnel Records Center on Wednesday, 23 January from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., please take note of the following information:
1. Participants are asked to please arrive between 3:15 and 3:45 p.m. The session starts at 4:00.
2. You will need a current photo ID to pass onto the parking area. There is a security guard posted on the lot who will check your ID.
3. You will need to go through a security checkpoint as you enter the building as well.
The staff is looking forward to your visit!
1. Participants are asked to please arrive between 3:15 and 3:45 p.m. The session starts at 4:00.
2. You will need a current photo ID to pass onto the parking area. There is a security guard posted on the lot who will check your ID.
3. You will need to go through a security checkpoint as you enter the building as well.
The staff is looking forward to your visit!
08 January 2013
Researcher's Forum at Nat'l Personnel Records Center
Happy New Year, everyone! Now that the holidays are over, it's time to get back to our favorite hobby, and our friends at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis have a great event to get us started.
On Wednesday, 23 January from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., you are invited to attend a researcher's forum designed to better acquaint you with the research rooms at the National Archives St. Louis branch. The NARA staff will be on hand to teach you about the record groups it holds and how to access them. There will be special presentations by the archivists on civilian and military personnel files. The staff is also interested in feedback from researchers who visit on a regular basis.
If you are interested in attending, the National Personnel Records Center is at
1 Archives Drive
St. Louis, MO 63138
Directions to the building are at .
For more information, call either Wanda Williams, archivist, at 314-801-9313; e-mail to <> or Whitney Mahar, research room manager, at 314-801-9069; e-mail to >>.