The official blog of the St. Louis Genealogical Society. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Send news to publications@stlgs.org .
29 January 2018
Correction to Irish SIG Meeting
So sorry. The Irish SIG meeting is Tuesday, 30 January and not Wednesday. We hope you will get there and enjoy the talk.
Timely Reminders and an Upcoming Meeting
Irish SIG Meeting

Reminders . . .
New on This Site
Are you checking the "New on This Site" button on the StLGS website's home page? Whenever we add anything new to the site, we link it to that button so you can find it easily. For instance, in December 2017, we added:- The 2018 StLGS calendar
- The 2018 monthly meetings and special events flyer
- More biographies to the StLGS City/County Biographies project
- Records from Compton Hill Congregational and Centenary Methodist Churches
- The winter/spring class schedule
- The handout from the January 2018 monthly meeting, "Ask Your Questions," which is packed full of helpful information from our panel of genealogy professionals.
- Records from St. Andrew UCC
- Indexes and records from Messiah Lutheran Church
Registration Open for Classes, Trivia Night, and the Family History Conference
Classes and Trivia Night tables are filling; you don't want to be left out! Have you registered yet? The first of our winter/spring classes is coming up next Sunday, 4 February, followed by four more interesting classes on the schedule. Classes are free to StLGS members and open to non-members for a fee. If you haven't yet taken a look at our early 2018 offerings, click here to go to the "Classes" page on our website.

22 January 2018
StLGS Meetings and a Death in the Family
German SIG Meeting: FamilySearch
Even if you have no German roots, you will likely be interested in the first German Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting for 2018. StLGS Infosystems Director, Bob Goode, will speak on the important website FamilySearch.org at the meeting this Wednesday evening, 24 January, at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium at St. Louis County Library Headquarters. The FamilySearch website, maintained by the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, is much more than just a catalog. Learn about the FamilySearch wiki, how to navigate the catalog, digitized books, and many more features included in this comprehensive free site. Although the focus will be on finding more information on German ancestors, all are welcome to come find out more about using this excellent resource.Trivia Night: Saturday, 3 March 2018

Trivia Night is held at the Richmond Heights Community Center, 8001 Dale Avenue, conveniently located one block south of I-64, just east of Hanley Road.
Doors open at 6:15 p.m. and the program begins promptly at 7:00 p.m. Soft drinks and light snacks are provided; outside food and beverages are welcomed. (PLEASE NOTE: Glass containers MUST be carried home at the end of the evening. The Center does not permit them in their recycling or trash.)
Your trivia enjoyment includes a silent auction of fabulous baskets. (We'll show you some sneak peaks in a future blog!) In addition to the trivia rounds, we'll play 50/50 and Dead or Alive. There will be cash prizes and mulligans will be available. Questions are NOT about genealogy; they are prepared by an experienced trivia hostess and cover an assortment of topics at levels that range from "easy-peasy" to "Really? Who knows that one?"
Ready to register? We welcome you to come individually or with a friend or two for $20 per person. If you have a group, it's $160 per table of eight. You can buy your tickets online or download a registration form from our website and mail it into the StLGS office. Questions? Contact Karen Goode, Trivia Night chair, at programs@stlgs.org .
For more information and a flyer, click here.
To register online at our secure store, click here.
For a link to Google maps, click here.
In Memoriam: Barbara (Lusk) Savalick

Barb had a distinguished career before coming to volunteer at StLGS. She was a supervisor at the Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center in St. Louis and was appointed manager for the Federal Women's group representing St. Louis. She went on to become president of the St. Louis chapter of that group. She also served as mayor of Bella Villa, a small village just south of the St. Louis City limits in St. Louis County. She was re-elected several times and was quite proud of that.
In addition to her love of genealogy, Barb was always surrounded by pets, especially her beloved dogs, and she was happiest when she was spending time in the country, on her farm in Monroe County, Missouri, where she was born.
A memorial service will be held in the spring in Shelbina, Missouri, where Barb will be at rest with family members. We extend our deepest sympathy to her sister Ruth, her step-daughters, Debbie and Pattie, and her nieces and nephews.
15 January 2018
Ask Louie Relaunches and Registration is Open for Winter/Spring Classes
Ask Louie Relaunches
For the past few years, StLGS has had a lookup service called Ask Louie. Originally meant for members only to ask for research strategies, Ask Louie often was flooded with requests that took hours of volunteer time to fulfill. As a result, in late fall 2017, we decided to take another look at how the service worked to see if we couldn't do a better job of helping our members.
The Ask Louie committee has now proudly relaunched the service with a few major changes.
- Ask Louie is now open to everyone, not just StLGS members.
- The committee will answer just one question at a time and only after the submitter has done some research on his/her own.
- Volunteers will not do research for you; they will, however, direct you to sources, repositories, and websites, or, if necessary, suggest you try hiring a professional genealogist who can help answer your question.
On the Ask Louie page on the StLGS website, you will find specific instructions and a link to some suggestions for how to ask a good question. You will also find a link to a flyer that lists St. Louis resources for research. All of these items may prove to be helpful as you think about how Ask Louie can be of service to you.
To access the Ask Louie web page, click here.
2018 Winter/Spring Classes
One of the benefits of StLGS membership is free classes for members, and the winter/spring classes are now posted online so you can register. Please remember that you must pre-register as classes may be cancelled or filled to capacity and we need to be able to notify you.Featured for this session are five classes:
- Foundations of Genealogy, Part One, Sunday, 4 February
- Foundations of Genealogy, Part Two, Sunday, 11 February
- Intermediate Irish Research, Saturday, 10 March
- Advanced RootsMagic, Saturday, 24 March
- Meyers Gazetteer and Other Parish Finding Aids, Saturday, 28 April
08 January 2018
Society News
Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and have made it through the freezing cold, snow, ice, and airport turmoil of the past few weeks. Time to turn thoughts to genealogy once again in preparation for an exciting year of new discoveries.
We'll start this new year by sharing some updates on society news and events. As you know, we suspended publication of our monthly newsletter, News 'n Notes, with the December issue. Now it's important for you to stay up to date with us via social media and our website (and, of course, this weekly blog!) If you aren't part of our Facebook or Twitter groups, please join. It's free, simple, and wonderfully interactive. You'll get the latest news in minutes and can also meet other genealogists and learn from them, if you are interested.
You can join us on Twitter by clicking here.
You can join us on Facebook by clicking here.
Office News
Just before the holidays, we updated the telephone system in the office. For the first time in almost two decades, we now have a modern, reliable phone network. Thanks to our technology director, Eric Wilson, and his trusty assistants, Mark Madrasz and Bob Goode, for their hard work on getting everything set up. And thanks to those of you who have called in while we were learning to use the new system for your patience. We now have the voice mail working properly and can usually transfer a call without losing it!
With the new year also came new positions for some of the office staff. Karen Goode has assumed her elected position of vice-president of programs. Viki Fagyal, who had held that position, has moved into the treasurer's seat, and Ed Dolata, former treasurer, has taken over as vice-president for membership. Both Viki and Ed have held those jobs before, so they are already up and running at their respective desks.
We had some website issues during the late fall that caused us to fall a bit behind on processing pages for St. Louis Congregations, St. Louis City/County Biographies, and back issues of the StLGS Quarterly. Again, thank you for your patience as we now begin to catch up on all of these pages. Watch the "New on This Site" page on our website during the next few weeks to see all of the exciting additions we have for you!
Reminders . . . January Monthly Meeting
Trivia Night
Annual Family History Conference: Genealogy . . . Finding Your Way Online!