At last, it is safe enough to start planning for live events, and we have some exciting news to share. First, the StLGS office is open again, so as long as you are healthy, we welcome you back on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings, from 9 a.m. until noon. Please respect our volunteers and plan your trip on another day if you are not feeling well or have been exposed to anything contagious. Second, we are pleased to be able to offer most of our meetings and classes in the future as hybrid events. We will be using our office in Maplewood for our meetings, since St. Louis County Library Headquarters is slated for its long-awaited demolition and rebuilding in the next few months. However, those who are not in St. Louis or who are not ready for being in a group setting are welcome to join us via Zoom. So, get your calendars out, and start planning!

The official blog of the St. Louis Genealogical Society. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Send news to .
28 March 2022
StLGS April Meetings AND Our Annual Family History Conference Returns!
21 March 2022
Great News for Genealogists Researching New York City Ancestors!
Sometimes genealogical miracles occur. It happened a few years ago, when, after years of severe restrictions, Pennsylvania opened its vital records to the general public, and, this past week, it happened again. This time, it is New York City, which, after staunchly defending its right to deprive the public access to public records, suddenly launched a stunning new website that opened vital records from the New York City Municipal Archives to anyone who wants to see them.
14 March 2022
Safety and Security: A Priority for Your Computer
We first posted articles about online safety in our blog in June 2019 and again in July 2020. This situation has continued to be of concern, and now, with the added focus on tax season and the crisis in Ukraine, online scamming is at a peak. So, it seems like a good time to reiterate some important information on keeping your computer and your personal information safe when you are online.
07 March 2022
St. Louis County Library and Public Library Will Update and Share Their Catalogs
As many of you know, St. Louis has two unique library systems, one for the City of St. Louis and one for St. Louis County. Up until recently, each system maintained its own catalog, but all of that is about to change. Both library systems have announced that they are ready to merge their catalogs, improve their technology software, and make checking out materials between systems possible, and it’s about to happen!